Thursday, March 3, 2011

Charlie Sheen's Kids Removed By Police

Charlie Sheen's Kids Removed By Police

posted by Erin Carlson - Wed Mar 2 2011, 6:45 AM PST

FilmMagic Charlie Sheen has surrendered his twin sons to estranged wife Brooke Mueller after she slapped him with a temporary restraining order. TMZ reports that police removed the toddlers, who turn 2 on March 15, from Sheen's L.A. manse late Tuesday, infuriating the actor.

"I am very concerned that he is currently insane," Mueller stated in legal documents. "I am in great fear that he will find me and attack me and I am in great fear for the children's safety with his care."

Sheen is not allowed to step within 100 yards of Mueller or the kids; according to legal documents, Sheen allegedly threatened Mueller with a very violent act while they were vacationing in the Bahamas last week.
A visibly angry Sheen denied her story in another interview on the "Today" show this morning. "I did not. That's a good one, I guess; I guess if you spend enough time around me, you can formulate things that could have come from my mouth. But you could do that watching reruns," he said, making an odd reference to his shuttered sitcom "Two and a Half Men."
Sheen says he was blindsided by the removal of his two sons, Bob and Max.
"It came out of the bleachers, actually," he said. "Yeah, I was told a restraining order was being delivered and I thought, 'OK, I can deal with that.' And it was revealed that it was something much more serious."

The actor, who paraded his "goddesses" (as he's referred to his two live-in girlfriends) on Tuesday's "Today," remains hell-bent on using the media to spread his bizarre gospel of "winning." In the last 15 hours, he's joined Twitter, picking up close to 1 million followers.

A tweet he sent Tuesday night seemed to reference the restraining order and its allegations: "My sons are fine ... My path is now clear ... Defeat is not an option ...!"

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