Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter The ending of a magical decade.

Harry Potter And the Deadly hollows Part 2 Starts Tomorrow... Its the end of an epic  Franchise. 13 Years in the making. A hole generation has grown op with this character well more like with this world of Harry Potter. I seen all the movies (Raymond) and all I Have to Say I am Looking forward to see What the ending has to offer. I have never read the books. So for me the movies is an all unexpected surprise. I like it like that that I like to be surprise and not know whats going to happen next. yes it is sad but its a nice ending to a great franchise that has given us 13 years of great memories and fun.

Will you Go see Harry Potter and  the deadly Hallows Part 2?

 Here is a cool song and  video  By The Artist POGO

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